sexta-feira, abril 21, 2006

CD do Hulk Hogan

"Yes, it's true. Hulk Hogan isn't just a superstar wrestler, an American icon, and a superb actor, he's also a rock star. One listen to Hulk Hogan and the Wrestling Boot Band's 1995 debut for Select Records, Hulk Rules, and I was hooked. It's 29 minutes and 40 seconds of pure bliss!"

Segue o nome das musicas do CD:
  1. Hulkster's in the House
  2. American Made
  3. Hulkster's Back
  4. Wrestling Boot Traveling Band
  5. Bad to the Bone
  6. I Want to be a Hulkamaniac
  7. Beach Patrol
  8. Hulk's the One
  9. Hulkster in Heaven
  10. Hulk Rules -------------------> \o/

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Olá! Eu vi o blog de vocês numa comunidade do orkut. Blogger Brasil.
Boa sorte para vocês! O blog está bem legal!!!

Anônimo disse...

Num entendo nda nesse blogger, mas blz uhahuahuauhahuhua

Beijoooos Bru